Monday, March 29, 2010

I hope the anti-TeaParty pundits keep believing …

Lately, the news media and party pundits seem to be braying that the Tea Parties are not having much effect in the primaries and that Tea Party candidates are not doing well. I hope they keep believing:

  • That we are a monolith with just a few leaders at the top;
  • That there is a TeaParty Party;
  • That our primary goal is to name Tea Party candidates;
  • That we are simply children of the GOP;
  • That we are only social Conservatives;
  • That Conservatives and Independents can’t win primaries or elections;
  • That our primary purpose is to elect candidates.

What the Tea Parties should be and are becoming is America’s conscience. Not just our GOP but also our Independent membership is growing. There are even Democrats coming to us less openly by declaring themselves Independents.

We are first about issues not candidates, principles not politics. And like all issue and principle driven movements it is hard to measure our effect.

We’ve hardly been around a year. My particular Tea Party affiliation, Tea Party FtL, with a street corner rally every week for the last 57 weeks, has grown quickly from tens to hundreds on special callouts. Our horn-honk-ratio has increased exponentially – so much so that we have quit counting. And we see new faces every rally. We have no national leadership. Our ralliers are a true mix of conservatives, independents, and Republicans with a few Democrats thrown in. No one gives us any money. Nor, unlike some of our opponents, are we surrogate union minions, funded by your taxes.

We are far more effective now than the pundits can measure or want us to be. Those pundits haven’t realized yet that who we send home from their political sinecures is just as important as who we elect.

And watch how we affect turnout!



  1. John, you made my day today.
    Yes, we are going to bring "change" in Nov 2.
    On that day we are going to start taking our country back.
    And we are going to get it back from the bandits of both parties that have it stolen it from us using deceit and our apathy.
    Lets make sure that we do leave any of the liberals like McCain in power as we bring people that abide by the Constitution to office.
    Thanks for your contribution.

  2. As we are unengineered in structure, we can not effectively be dismantled...

    As we are comprized under the banner of TEA (Taxed Enough Already) parties, it is clear we are ever upset at the state of non-representation by those elected...

    As we speak to the masses in revelation of the Constitution, that inextricably makes us WE THE PEOPLE...

    Let it be known that the war paint of our time will be etched upon our faces by the...
    Depth of Washington's love;
    Kindled in the sternness of Patton's attitude;
    Articulated in the passion of Reagan;
    Reflected in the impact of righteousness;
    Ablaze under the beauty of Old Glory;
    Bolstered by the highest law and intent to goodness in our land... The United States Constitution!

    As we approach November 2010, let it be known that they have seen nothing yet!

    Bayonets up!
