Monday, March 29, 2010

The Government Plantation Forever?

Star Parker, in a blog post at today, says “do the math”:

The price of apples keeps going up. The government decides that every American must buy apples. But some can't afford them.

Government starts controlling how much apple farmers are paid, it mandates that every single American buys apples and subsidizes those under a certain income level so they can.

Will the price of apples go down, stay the same or go up? …

Did you say "up"? You get an A. But if you did say "up," you surely are not a Democrat.

After repeated demonstrations of BHO’s use of entitlements, funded by ever growing taxes which he considers “fairness”, to curry favor and votes, Star finishes:

Oh, back to the apples. Their prices were rocketing up to begin with because government was already controlling and regulating them.

Republicans are mad. But will they be able to entice Americans off the ever-growing government plantation? Will they propose and succeed in selling the bold ideas necessary to turn the basket case we're becoming around?

We'll see. Read it all here…

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