The TOOLS give you places to find addresses, petitions, and more. Most of the organizations here offer Email alerts which is the way I stay up on them.
The PETITIONS are actual, easily used petitions and, in most cases, will normally be Email petitions, not faxes you have to pay for.
The dates are the date of the link.
Please post any additions you would suggest in the Comments section at the bottom of this post. I do try to Tweet (johnsykes1035) and Facebook (johnsykes1035) alerts on individual petitions.
American Solutions For Winning the Future - Great list of easy petitions and other tools!
The American Family Association Action Web Site - One of my favorites, it features Action Alerts by E-mail, a legislative and media center and more!
Gun Owners of America (GOA) - This is not just about guns! In fact it is my favorite place to check first to see what I might want to act on. Featured tabs are Home, Elected Officials, Issues and Legislation, Elections & Candidates, and a Media Guide. (07/30/09)
American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) - Use the takeACTION Box in the upper right to Sign a Petition, Write Elected Officials, Call Talk Radio or Write Letters to Editors. (07/30/09)
Freedom Works - Frequent Congressional action alerts with easy completion by Email
2 Free Faxes Per Day
List of All 52 Blue Dog Democrats w/email/fax/tel/facebook/twitter
Jobs Here. Jobs Now. Jobs First! Do it with tax breaks!| Sign the petition at http://ow.ly/ivy7 (07/30/09)
takeACTION! Sign the Petition to Stop the Abortion Mandate: http://ow.ly/ivMt (07/30/09)
Manually E-mail your Rep. to support about Health And Gov. Reform Bills HR3394, HR3395, & HR3396 (8/1/09): http://ow.ly/iMPx
Easy Form Email the Blue Dogs to defeat Obamacare (07/30/09): http://ow.ly/irmB
Email list of all Senators and their health care staffers with email addresses!
Hi John, complete list of all 52 Blue Dogs w/email/fax/tel/facebook/twitter @ http://dembluedogs.blogspot.com . Keep up the great work!
ReplyDeleteWhen is someone going to ask who wrote the Stimulus package in a Town Hall meeting? I am disabled and cannot go myself.
ReplyDeleteGlen Beck reports that it was written by the Apollo Alliance, a strange mixture of seemingly legitimate concerns along with lib/prog/radicals like Jeff Smith.
ReplyDeleteWhy Is Universal Health Care "Un-American"? http://www.satireandcomment.com/sc0909healthcare.html
ReplyDeleteHelp Unemployed Americans by Suspending Immigration http://bit.ly/H24xF
ReplyDeleteDHS Allowing Illegal Aliens to Remain in Workforce; DOL Helping Them Improve Working Conditions http://bit.ly/15XSH7
Great list of resources and links, I'll email to others and RT. Thanks!