We held our 38th consecutive Fort Lauderdale Weekly Tea Party yesterday. The horn-honk index and attendance keeps rising and optimism is in the air. Here’s a video link to one past Tea Party that well illustrates what motivates one patriot! Join us any Saturday from 1-3 in Fort Lauderdale at the corner of Oakland Park & Federal.
The NRA forwarded a great Veterans Day video and reminds us: “ This Wednesday, November 11, is Veterans Day. For some, Veterans Day represents a day off from work. For others, it's not even a holiday…it's just another Wednesday. And for others, the day recalls a passing awareness of significance, but not much beyond that…” …But for the true American patriots among us, the day evokes a very deep and personal reverence. It combines elements of pride and sadness, and—always—respect. It is a sacred day, set aside to remember service, honor, bravery, duty, and sacrifice for the greater good. It is a day to remember those who served and are serving, so that we may enjoy the life and the freedom we have today.”
.Reagan's Peace Through Strength with Constancy of Purpose
"Tolerance" and the "Other" American Muslim Tragedy - “... America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles -- principles of justice and progress; tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings...” … Those remarks were uttered by President Barack Obama on June 4th of this year. And I wish I could believe that they were accurate. …Generally speaking, American non-Muslim fathers don’t run over their children with their cars and call it “honorable.” And American non-Muslim military personnel don’t intentionally kill their fellow soldiers. There is a pattern of very dangerous, deadly behavior with Muslims in America and around the world. .. Americans must awaken to this reality, whether or not our President does.
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