Friday, July 12, 2013

An in-your-face call for America’s best, gospel-centered, Bible-believing churches to repent!

From Political Christian in Throwing Down The Gauntlet!

A new video titled “Wake Up Church!” posted on YouTube June 26 is provoking strong responses from America’s evangelical congregations.

It’s not hard to see why: It is nothing more and nothing less than an in-your-face call for America’s best, gospel-centered, Bible-believing churches to repent.

That’s right: for America’s best, gospel-centered, Bible-believing churches to repent.

Many will find that a strange and seemingly contradictory juxtaposition. They are precisely the ones who need to watch the video.

For, as I’ve strenuously argued, part of the reason — a large part — that abortion and a culture of death predominate and persist in America is that America’s best, gospel-centered, Bible-believing churches, for all that they are doing right, are not doing the most important thing.

They are neglecting the weightier matters of the law. They are attending to the Great Commission, but failing at the Greater Commission. They are speaking with the tongues of men and angels, but they are not practicing love for “the least of these.” They are industrious regarding the churchy work of “ministry,” consisting chiefly of worship and dispensing the Word, but they are “passing by on the other side” of those abandoned to death in America’s abortion clinics. They are pro-life almost entirely in name and belief only, and as the video rightly notes, this deedless “pro-life” posture amounts exactly to faith without works. Just like the church in Sardis, they have a name that they are alive, but they are dead. And just like that church, they need to repent (see Revelation 3:1-3)...

Read it all here ...

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