Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Conservative on Target! 5/9/12

Americans Raleigh around Marriage: In the end, nothing--not misinformation campaigns, money shortages, the media's hostility, or even the President's opposition--could stand in the way of 1,303,952 North Carolinians protecting marriage. In record numbers, voters streamed into polling places to send an unmistakable message to the political and media elites: You can't silence us on marriage. For people like Tami Fitzgerald, the amendment's passage was the fulfillment of a long-time dream. "The whole point is you don't rewrite the nature of God's design for marriage based on the demands of a group of adults," she told reporters from the Values Coalition headquarters. An overwhelming majority of her state agreed. By night's end, marriage supporters had put an exclamation point on the victory with a 22-point spread over the opposition--who, in the end, couldn't buy or lie their way to victory.

Hopelessly unchanged > Obama’s campaign is looking for a second chance: Voters have heard enough empty promises. Mr. Obama has added $5 trillion to the debt, lost America’s AAA credit rating, left at least 8 percent of Americans out of a job and produced the lowest labor-force participation rate since 1981. This country is not better off than it was four years ago. Staying on the same leftist track won’t make us better off tomorrow.

obama ahmadinejad billboardObummer isn’t going to like this billboard … Compass Colorado, a conservative outside spending group, is launching a new billboard campaign that ties President Barack Obama to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the widely reviled president of Iran. The 28 billboards will go up across Colorado…. According to the group's website, the ads are meant to highlight "President Obama and his allies' opposition to American energy independence." 

From Ramesh Ponnuru, National Review:“It’s easy to underestimate the tea-party achievement in ousting Sen. Lugar. After all, haven’t the tea parties knocked off a lot of incumbent Republicans in primaries? Actually, no. Most Tea Party successes have come in races for open seats. In the last Senate cycle, [Arlen] Specter was pushed out of the party before the tea parties even started, because he was unacceptable to a lot of types of Republicans. (Recall that he barely won his primary in 2004.) [Utah Sen. Robert F.] Bennett lost a convention, not a primary. [Alaska Sen. Lisa] Murkowski lost a primary, but came back in the general. Lugar is the first Senateincumbent whose career has come to an end because Tea Partiers beat him in a primary. And he lost while having a reasonably conservative voting record: He had voted with pro-lifers, for example, unlike Specter and Murkowski.”

Wisdom from the past... “A Man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right. A Man dies when he refuses to stand up for justice. A Man dies when he refuses to take a stand for that which is true, so we're going to stand up right here.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr

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