Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Conservative on Target!

Obama’s “Jobs Bill” Attacks Charitable Deductions in Favor of Bigger Government : [This is truly sickening. Will the needy ever figure out that the left would have them populate the entitlement reservation? – JS]

SHAME! GOP again tries to stack the primary deck with new registration rules: When the Florida Legislature passed and Scott signed a law that bans candidates for public office from switching parties, they effectively iced out many Tea Party brethren and registered "independents" seeking to run next year in newly drawn districts, said Henry Kelley, the president of the Fort Walton Beach Tea Party and a potential candidate for a Republican House seat representing Crestview. [In other words, if you can’t switch parties or have run as an independent previously, if you want to run on the GOP ticket! This is truly rotten! – JS]
White House offered “guidance” to second witness in LightSquared inquiry: Last week, The Daily Beast’s Eli Lake opened up a new scandal in the White House by revealing that a four-star Air Force general told Congress that Obama administration officials had pressured him to change his testimony about LightSquared, a company with ties to Obama and his election campaign.  Eli follows up today with a report that a second witness, a head of a federal agency, says the White House also offered him “guidance” by asking him to insert a paragraph expressing confidence in LightSquared’s efforts
Illegals Bilking Billions from Treasury [and IRS does’t care]:
According to the U.S. Treasury Department, illegal aliens are bilking the federal government for billions because they are filing fraudulent returns, and the sum is much higher than even a top group opposed to illegal immigration has estimated.
  The Treasury reported in July that the Internal Revenue Service coughed up $4.2 billion in child tax credits for illegal aliens in 2010.
  Given how nasty the IRS gets with taxpayers who err even honestly on their taxes, or those who do not err at all, observers note that the agency is rather insouciant about the indirect subsidy to those who aren’t supposed to be in the country.
SHAME! Congressman Mike Quigley to Islam Conference: ‘I Apologize on Behalf of America’: On Saturday morning, Illinois Democrat Congressman Mike Quigely made a surprise appearance at the American Islamic College Conference in Chicago… Quigley gave remarks to the primarily muslim audience. He rambled on about the typical racism and discrimination that the liberal left is so convinced America is rampantly infected with. As you can see in the video … he proceeded in his congressional capacity to apologize on behalf of the country for discrimination against muslims’ faith.

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