Thursday, September 15, 2011

Conservative on Target!

White House Compares Illegal Immigration to Jaywalking: "If you were running the police department of any urban area in this country, you would spend more resources going after serious criminals than after jaywalkers. DHS (the Department of Homeland Security) is doing the immigration equivalent of the same thing," Celia Munoz told the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI) conference on Monday.

Reckless – A 4-Legged Marine War Hero


How to Effectively Tackle Poverty in the United States: The collapse of marriage in low-income communities, high unwed childbearing, and an eroded work ethic are the long-term, root causes of poverty in the United States. To successfully assist those experiencing true deprivation, policymakers must begin to accurately assess the state of poverty in America and place the social and economic benefits of marriage, family, and work at the center of effective anti-poverty policy.
INCREDIBLE! President Obama's green jobs initiative has been a bust, according to Department of Energy records. Though the $38.6 billion program was supposed to "create or save" 65,000 jobs, it reportedly has created only 3,545 new jobs. [$10,888,575 per job! – JS]
Palin: Crony Capitalism on Steroids from GE to Solyndra: This crony capitalism and government waste is at the heart of our economic problems. It will destroy us if we don’t root it out. It’s not just a Democrat problem or a Republican problem. It’s a problem of our permanent political class. This won’t stop until “we the people” say enough is enough, and we retire the permanent political class that votes for this.
Obama Becomes the Fall Guy: A mostly moderate-to-conservative public has concluded that it does not like the new liberal agenda. After three years, it believes that the big government/big borrowing medicine made the inherited illness far worse. Voters may or may not like Obama, but they surely do not like what he is still trying to do. In response, the left needs a sacrificial lamb. So it has nonsensically turned with a fury on Obama as if he were culpable for getting through the left's own agenda. If Democrats do not blame the public's anger on their once-beloved messenger, then they are left only with their message itself. And that is something they simply cannot accept.
"The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience." -- Albert Camus

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