Thursday, September 15, 2011

Brother, can you spare a government job for my wife? Help my wife become a corruptocrat …

By John Sykes


Yesterday I published a post saying The Goal is to Keep the Poor in Poverty … while corruptocrats rake off 75%.


Later that day, my research resulted in the fact that $61,476 in welfare had been budgeted for each welfare family of four in the US for 2011.

Today The Distribution of Income for 2010: Households concludes the average household income in the U.S. was $67,530 for 2010 - not much more than the welfare budget.

So minutes ago my wife informed me that she and one of her friends, after calculating additional benefits like scholarships that are made available to the less fortunate, had decided to quit working. I had to hastily point out again that our less fortunate really only received 25% of that budget or $15,369, that the corruptocrats stole 75% of that welfare budget, a total of $46,107.

I thought that solved the problem of my wife quitting.

Trouble is now she’s trying to figure out how to become a corruptocrat!

I’m afraid to get in a discussion with her about how all of this really is the result of marxist redistribution.

I might end up sleeping with a corruptocrat and a communist.

My wife just told me I have to close this with a LOL!

But I am really actually pretty sad at what we’ve come to!

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