Monday, August 15, 2011

Bad Indicators & Magical Misery Tour – Conservative Cartoons


from hopenchangecartoons:

Today, Barack Obama kicks off his 3-day "Listening Tour" of the Midwest, apparently laboring under the misconception that the hayseeds in flyover country can't send him messages by mail, telephone, the Internet, Twitter, or their elected representatives in Washington.

Whitehouse staffers have declared that the president's bus tour is entirely non-political and unrelated to his re-election campaign, which is their way of saying that taxpayers will be picking up all the expenses, and putting thousands of dollars into the pockets of evil corporate bus owners.

But at least traveling by bus and offering to listen to banjo-picking Deliverance extras shows a little newfound humility on the president's part - right?


Because at yet another huge liberal fundraiser in New York (where he sneered about the people who live "West of here"), Barack Obama actually likened himself to Martin Luther King, Jr, saying that the civil rights leader was also vilified, controversial, and even despairing at times.

But it's all okay, because what the president claims to have learned from Dr. King (perhaps after ingesting some unusual combination of pharmaceuticals) is that "the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice. But it doesn't bend on its own. It bends because all of us are putting our hand on the arc and we are bending it in that direction...and America'sarc is going to be bending in the direction of justice and prosperity and opportunity."

Which makes Hope n' Change think that maybe the president's tour bus should be christened "Obama's Arc," which only the president's wealthiest donors can board, two by two.

While the rest of us are left to drown in his debt...and his BS.

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