Will Obama be at Dover this time? Even if they aren’t Seals? Last week, soon after that helicopter crashed killing 30 US troops, five more were killed in an IED attack when members of Company C, 1st Battalion, 32nd Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division rolled over the explosive device in their MRAP. Now there was hardly a blip in the media when these five died. Should we only expect [Obama] to attend solemn events when the media has a large presence? Or are some warriors more important than others?
CBS Sports Ridicules Tim Tebow’s Christian Faith: CBSSports.com columnist Gregg Doyle evidently took offense to Tim Tebow, the Denver Broncos’ quarterback’s comments made in an interview with the Denver Post. Tebow was quoted as saying: “Others who say I won’t make it are wrong. They don’t know what I’m capable of and what’s inside me. My family and my friends have been bothered by what’s gone on, and I tell them to pay no attention to it. I’m relying as always on my faith.”
Verizon Strike Update: Judge Prohibits Union From Throwing Feces: Among the practices specifically forbidden under the court’s ruling: the throwing of feces. That the judge felt the need to explicitly include that “tactic” speaks to the ugliness of the protests so far. [Hmm… Hasn’t the left been doing this verbally for a long time? – JS]

Tax Fraud Suspected in Obama Land Deal: The “buffer zone” parcel at the Obama family mansion in Chicago’s upscale Kenwood neighborhood purchased by the wife of convicted felon Tony Rezko was transferred to Barack and Michelle Obama without ever being assessed or taxed, in apparent violation of Illinois law, according to a debt-collection expert. [This might seem rinky-dink but it is sure a symptom of a frame of mind – Obama’s entitlement mind! – JS]
New data posted by Gallup on Sunday show that 39% of Americans approve of President Obama's job performance, while 54% disapprove. Both are the worst numbers of his presidency.
"The ultimate decision about what is accepted as right and wrong will be made not by individual human wisdom but by the disappearance of the groups that have adhered to the 'wrong' beliefs." -- Friedrich August von Hayek
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