Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Mitch McConnell Plan & Separate But Unequal – Cartoons



Showing a previously unknown talent for stand-up comedy, Barack Hussein Obama has declared that there is no need for a balanced budget amendment, because "we don't need a constitutional amendment to do our jobs...and to make sure that the government is living within its means and making responsible choices. "


No, seriously, that's what he said...even though the government hasn't done anything remotely like balancing the budget for eons, and the president himself is claiming that unless an economic miracle occurs in Washington, the skies will soon fill with locusts, rivers will run red with blood, and the four horsemen of the Apocalypse will start making phone calls to us during dinner and our favorite television shows to try to force us to pay our overdue national bills.

But still, Mr. Obama doesn't think we need any actual laws to force politicians to do what they haven't done. Even though the stupid citizenry needs laws to force us to buy health insurance, and the right kind of light bulbs, and low-flow "flush 'em twice" toilets, and on and on and on...

Mr. Obama has promised to veto any balanced budget legislation which comes his way. But...if he truly believes that the Washington insiders will balance the budget out of their innate sense of responsibility and national duty, then why would it matter if there was also a balanced budget amendment? Obviously, it wouldn't.

No, Barack Obama is against a balanced budget amendment for the simple reason that he's against a balanced budget. Because insane overspending is the easiest way for him to pave the way for the "emergency" redistribution of wealth.

Which is exactly the "Change" he wanted for this country all along.

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