Thursday, June 30, 2011

Jet Setter & Crass Warfare – Cartoons

from Chip Bok: He’s been called worse. Tax breaks for corporate jets were included in the $800 billion stimulus package, right around the time auto execs were being slammed for arriving for congressional hearings in corporate jets.  You can read about it here, here, or here. Not only that, Bloomberg says it’s not enough money save student loans.

from hopenchangecartoons:

Yesterday, Barack Hussein Obama finally commented publicly on the debt ceiling impasse and demonstrated his gift for bipartisan outreach by saying that Republicans want to "compromise your kids' safety so some corporate-jet owner can get a tax break."

The president went on to say that there's nothing "radical" about his plan to dramatically raise taxes on "millionaires and billionaires," except for perhaps the part where he somehow defines people - and small businesses - who earn a couple hundred thousand dollars a year as "billionaires." You know, like when his billionaire wife was (ahem) "earning" $322,000 a year working in "community affairs" for a hospital.

Rather than cut any real spending, the president and Democrats are insisting on dramatic tax increases on oil companies (yeah, that'll bring those gas prices down!), small business owners, and evil venture capitalists who risk their own money investing in new American businesses hoping to make a profit (the bastards!)

And what will happen if taxes aren't raised? According to Mr. Obama, college scholarships will end, no one will get warnings of tornadoes or hurricanes, medical research (especially for children's diseases!) will grind to a halt, there will be no more food safety inspections, senior citizens will live under bridges holding pitiful signs saying "No dentures - will work for applesauce," and blind orphans won't get tickets to the circus.

All because of the Evil Rich and their GOP puppets.

Mr. Obama clearly is trying to inspire class hatred...and perhaps class warfare... in hopes of calling the GOP's bluff about not allowing tax hikes. Which is why, more than ever, Hope n' Change hopes that the GOP is not bluffing and will allow the debt ceiling to go unraised if the Left won't get serious about spending reductions.

If America defaults on its debts, the politicians will have no choice but to make serious and painful cutbacks. Because as long as they do have a choice, venal political hacks like Barack Obama will always choose ugly and divisive demagoguery over responsibility.

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