Thursday, June 30, 2011

Conservative on Target! War, Cars, Scary Obama, Legislative Idea, Moral Issues, Tea Party, Stealth Watch & Obama Lied

imageObama’s Operation Lie-to-America Exposed by Military:  In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee yesterday John Allen, the Marine nominated by President Obama to lead the war effort in Afghanistan, disclosed that the White House lied when they claimed that the announced troop withdrawal plan was "in the range of options" the military leadership had given the president to consider for a troop draw-down. 

Stealth Tax Hike Watch > Obama Proposes $418 Billion in Tax Hikes: …almost three-fourths of the tax hikes Obama wants come from reducing deductions for those making more than $200,000 per year. That's what the real tax debate is about. [ Obamism: Tax Reduction = Tax Hike! – JS ]


The Tea Party Supervises the GOP > As budget talks heat up, activists are keeping a close eye on Congress: As lawmakers in Washington work to negotiate a deal on the debt ceiling, leaders of the tea-party movement have a message for Republicans: You are being watched. In the wake of what many consider an abysmal budget deal negotiated in April to avoid a government shutdown — Republicans had pledged to cut $100 billion, but wound up with only $40 billion, most of which comprised superficial spending reductions — the movement remains as relevant as ever, and it continues to hold the GOP’s feet to the fire.

Every Issue is a Moral Issue: The national debt, national security, taxation, the welfare state, border security—there's not a single issue that doesn't have a moral component. The government has a moral obligation to live within its means, to protect its citizens, to encourage industriousness and discourage indolence, and to secure our borders against terrorists and drug cartels [ Moral Issues = Social Values – JS ]

Great Legislative Ideas! > A freshman congressman has offered legislation that would make the extensive federal rulemaking process associated with the new Obamacare law dramatically more transparent. The bill would also give Congress a stepped-up oversight role as federal agencies begin drafting rules to implement the law, which will go fully into effect by 2014. [ Do this now but abolish it soonest! – JS ]

Want to see an actual scary example of what the progressive Obama model is doing in another country right now? Part of it is … chaotic economic management, part of it is implementation of a narcissist-Leninist model aimed at destroying the private sector and creating a country of government-dependent zombies, and part of it is frankly unexplainable.

President Obama plans to raise fuel standards for cars as high as 62 mpg by 2025, essentially mandating every American to buy an expensive electric car and potentially costing the nation 1.7 million jobs.

"No power but Congress can declare war, but what is the value of this constitutional provision, if the President of his own authority may make such military movements as must bring on war?" -- Daniel Webster

imageFor we are in Christ, and this is our Declaration of Independence: I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20 NIV) Read it all …

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