Thursday, March 10, 2011

What is Man? The dangers of humanism, determinism and collectivism …


imageThe way we define ‘human’ determines our view of self, others, relationships, institutions, life, and future. Many problems in human experience are the result of false and inaccurate definitions of humankind premised in man-made religions and humanistic philosophies.
Human knowledge is a fraction of the whole universe
. The balance is a vast void of human ignorance. Human reason cannot fully function in such a void; thus, the intellect can rise no higher than the criteria by which it perceives and measures values…

As long as some choose to abdicate their personal reality and submit to the delusions of humanism, determinism, and collectivism, just so long will they be subject and re-acting only, to be tossed by every impulse emanating from others. Those who abdicate such reality may, in perfect justice, find themselves weighed in the balances of their own choosing.

That human institution which is structured on the principle, “…all men are endowed by their Creator with…Liberty…,” is a system with its roots in the natural Order of the universe. The opponents of such a system are necessarily engaged in a losing contest with nature and  nature’s God. Biblical principles are still today the foundation under Western Civilization and the American way of life. To the advent of a new season we commend the present generation and the “multitudes in the valley of decision.”

Let us proclaim it. Behold!

Please read it all!

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