Richard Haass: The Palestine Peace Distraction: Announcing a comprehensive plan now—one that is all but certain to fail—risks discrediting good ideas, breeding frustration in the Arab world, and diluting America's reputation for getting things done. [ This issue continues to show BHO's lack of experience and muslim-oriented world view. - JS ]
Peter Wallison: Taxpayers and the Dodd Bill: The FDIC could borrow vast sums to bail out failing banks and their creditors: If the Dodd-Obama resolution plan is ever actually put to use, the direct or indirect costs could be many times greater. For example, the bill authorizes the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to borrow from the Treasury "up to 90 percent of the fair value of assets" of any company the FDIC is resolving. Yet one institution alone—Citigroup—has assets currently valued at about $1.8 trillion. The potential costs of resolving it (not to mention others) would be spectacularly higher than $50 billion. In short, the $50 billion in the resolution fund is a political number—a fraction of what the FDIC is authorized to borrow and spend. [ On just 1 company alone we could be indebted by over $1.62 trillion. So - want to do away with the USA? Just declare the top 10 companies in trouble, borrow umpteen trillions of dollars, and bankrupt us WITHOUT CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL! - JS ]
The Perfect Justice of Allah' - The latest case of U.S.-al Qaeda links. [ Yes. We still have watchamacallits conducting a watchamacallit in the name of a not-to-be mentioned watchmacallit. - JS ] The Big Brown Union Bailout - UPS and the Teamsters want to hobble Federal Express. [ First, we have crony capitalism, now we have crony unionism. - JS ] O'Grady: Ortega Tries to Join the Axis of Evil - Nicaragua's president employs street violence to do an end-run around the constitution and assure his election. [ Great. BHO couldn't stop the forces of democracy in Honduras but he can now defeat those forces in Nicaragua by doing nothing. - JS ] Crovitz: The Misguided Attack on Derivatives - Short-selling warns markets that an asset bubble is about to burst. [ Want to ruin free markets? Just do away with its early warning mechanisms. - JS ] |
Joseph Lieberman and Susan Collins: How Could the Fort Hood Massacre Happen? - The administration continues to withhold crucial information from Congress. [ This is a worthy effort but even they aren't pinning the tail on the muslim donkey. I hope I can append "Yet". - JS ] |
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