Monday, April 26, 2010

BHO's 4 Important Weekly Senate Grabs!

There are 4 power grabs that are important in the Senate this week. Brian Darling at outlines these events below. I will add just a two word title to each that I think adequately summarizes them.

Bailouts - The Senate will vote at 5 p.m. today on cloture on a motion to proceed to S.3217, the Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010.  Senate Banking Committee Chairman Dodd (D-CT) and Ranking Member Shelby (R-AL) have been negotiating an agreement on the bill, but without any agreement before late this afternoon, it is widely expected that the motion to proceed to the bailout bill will be defeated.

Immigration - There is renewed talk of immigration being the next big issue to be considered by the Senate.  The outlines of a bill have been mapped out in the Washington Postby Sens. Schumer (D-NY) and Graham (R-SC) where they proposed four elements of a plan:  Biometric Social Security Cards; Border Security; a temporary worker program; and, pathway to citizenship.  Some argue that this may be a partisan effort to put the Senate and House on record, when leaders in Congress know it will be very difficult to pass a bill.  An outline of a proposal is expected to be rolled out this week by Senator Schumer.

Global Warming - The emergence of immigration as a pending issue in Congress has kicked Global Warming legislation to the curb.  Sens. Kerry (D-MA) and Lieberman (ID-CT) were expected to roll out a version of Global Warming legislation this week, but those plans were postponed putting chances of passage in the Senate in jeopardy.  The House passed Global Warming legislation June of last year 219-212.  Chad Pergram at argues that “Graham, whose sponsorship of the (Global Warming) bill is viewed as crucial to lure other Republicans, dropped out of talks. That forced Kerry and Lieberman to postpone the planned rollout of the plan Monday.”  Pergram opined that “Graham punted because he believed Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Pelosi were reorganizing the fleet and reflagging immigration reform as the next big issue in Congress.”
Puerto Rican Statehood - The House will be voting on H.R. 2499, The Puerto Rico Democracy Act, this week.  According to Rep. Hastings (R-WA) on Red State ”the bill would create a two-step voting process where the people of Puerto Rico would vote to either maintain the status quo or select a different political status.  If a different political status is desired by the majority of the electorate, Puerto Ricans would have three options: independence, free association with the U.S., or full statehood.”
Please! While watching these, don't take your eyes off of BHO's edicts, executive orders, and presidential findings that don't need congressional approval. If he can't transform us out of existence with legislation, he's already doing so with the "slow death of a 1000 cuts" so small you hardly feel them until it's all over!

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