Saturday, April 17, 2010

Savage, thieving swine!

On Tuesday morning, between 8:30 and 10:00 AM, burglars hit my house. My 12 year, half-blind, faltering un-foo-fooed standard poodle made her stand in the front bedroom. She was stabbed twice, savagely beaten and left for dead. The amount of blood was mute testimony to her brave fight!

These swine got away with far too much swag, using a U-Haul in the process. With them went all our computers and monitors, a 5KW generator, too much jewelry and more.

And they left us feeling violated… and me more of a 2nd amendment nut … more afraid of the direction this country is headed. My wife, daughter and I, along with Sugar the poodle, are up and about and going on with life. We thank God for what we have and for our safety!

And Sugar and I would like a couple of minutes with these savage, thieving swine.


  1. So sad to hear. Glad Sugar and you all are doing well. That happened to a family member some years ago. It was so bad they even moved though they had just finished building their "dream house", so I do know about the violation feelings. I am thinking of you and hoping that you can go forward with your lives in peace and normalcy and that those criminals get what they deserve. There is a special place in Hell for those who would attack an animal in that fashion.

  2. I am so sorry that happened to you! I am glad your family is okay (including your poodle). I will pray for you and your family! I too believe if everyone was armed, these heartbreaking stories would be less.


  3. So sorry to hear of your ordeal. I have a concealed carry permit for just that sort of stupidity. I pray God watches over you all & the evil criminals are caught quickly.

  4. Ohhhh my, how AWFUL!! I pray the police are able to catch the pigs who did this. So glad to hear that Sugar is going to be okay.

    My mother went through that several years ago. Thankfully, no one was home. She was working, and my grandmother, who was very elderly, was at a "day care" for people who couldn't be alone anymore because of health and safety concerns. They took mostly heirloom jewelry and attempted to steal the TV, but it was on a very heavy entertainment shelf, and they couldn't move it (THANK GOD!).

    However, the feelings of violation and fear, especially for Grandma were almost too much. She passed away less than a year later.

    Since that time, my mom sold the house and moved to Frisco, TX to be with my sister. She's now doing well and planning to move to Colorado to be with my other sister. :)

    I'll be praying for all of you. God bless!

  5. So sorry you (and Sugar) had to go through that! I pray that police will nail these punks! Somebody HAD to see something!

  6. I am so glad that all of you are safe and that Sugar made it! What an horrific experience!
    Prayers and Hugs coming your way!

  7. John:

    Kelly told us of your ordeal; praying for you and the family. Call if I can help.

    Jim Cronk
