Monday, April 19, 2010

Wall-Nut - 4/19/10

Keith Allred: Military Commissions: The Right Venue for KSM: Handling unlawful combatants in a military court is consistent with the Geneva Conventions and encourages compliance with the laws of war.

Andrew Kohut: Americans Are More Skeptical of Washington Than Ever: A desire for smaller government is especially evident since Barack Obama took office.

The SEC vs. Goldman: More a case of hindsight bias than financial villainy.

The View From Jerusalem: Why Israel is anxious about the Obama Administration.

Crovitz: Is Internet Civility an Oxymoron?: Unmoderated, anonymous comments on Web sites create more noise than wisdom.

O'Grady: Congress vs. Honduran Democrats: American liberals are still sore about the 'coup' that ousted Manuel Zelaya

Taranto: Best of the Web Today: Words as Weapons: Have racial slurs lost some of their power?

Robert McFarlane: Mideast Peace, One Brick at a Time: Reagan asked his national security team to be prepared for incremental progress and not to invest U.S. power frivolously.

T.H. Breen: America's Other Independence Day: The British troops were 'like murderers and cut-throats.'
See all of today's editorials and op-eds, video interviews and commentary on Opinion Journal.

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