Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Quick Quips – 4/7/10

All order breaks down in Massachusetts over insurance rate hikes -- "The standoff between Massachusetts regulators and health insurance companies intensified yesterday, as most insurers stopped offering new coverage to small businesses and individuals, and state officials demanded that the insurers post updated rates online and resume offering policies by Friday," the Boston Globe reports. At issue is a series of proposed rate hikes that state regulators rejected last week because they were "not nice rate hikes." As a result, lots of people can't buy health care and Mitt Romney is never ever going to be president.

Which US Government IDIOT announced targeting cleric in Yemen: Yup - just let him know we're coming. [Is BHO so politically desperate that he does things like this when doing so could compromise the operation and lose US lives? – JS]

Riot Is the Voice of the Unheard' - Tea-party foe Maxine Waters once made excuses for real political violence.
  While the anti-ObamaCare protests were boisterous--perhaps even "outrageous," as Rep. Waters says--they were not violent. There were a scattering of phone threats and acts of vandalism on both sides, but nothing even remotely resembling a riot….
  The tea-party protesters are angry, and as Maxine Waters said in 1992, it's OK to be angry. But she has no business lecturing anyone on political civility.

The Karzai Fiasco - Echoes of Vietnam in a spat that only helps the Taliban: Coming on the heels of the U.S. public chastisement of Israel's government, the larger concern over the Karzai episode is what it reveals about Mr. Obama's diplomatic frame of mind. With adversaries, he is willing to show inordinate patience, to the point of muffling his objections when opposition blood ran in the streets of Tehran. With allies, on the other hand, the President is unforgiving and insists they follow his lead or face his public wrath. The result will be that our foes fear us less, and that we have fewer friends.

5 stumbling blocks that could wipe out many Dems: History, Jobs, Apathy, Ethics & Sentiment We really need to study these!

BHO's Dangerous Nuclear Game Continues as he advertises that we have a wimp in office! How many Americans will get killed because of this administration’s incompetence or intentional capitulation of our national security?

Dem Strategists Have It Wrong
Once again, Carville and Greenberg are totally misreading the public mood. Each time the Republican activists battle, they become stronger. Their cyber- and grass-roots grow deeper. The negatives that attach to so-called "moderate" Democratic incumbents increase. And each time Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi defy public opinion and use their majorities to ram through unpopular legislation, frustration and anger rises….
  Carville's last book touted "40 more years of Democrats." Now he dreams of a loss of "only" 25 seats in the House and "six or seven" senators. But these are pipedreams. Republicans will gain more than 50 House seats and at least 10 in the Senate, enough to take control in both Houses. That's reality.

Race and Politics: Part II
  Yet, through sheer assumption and repetition, the opposite view-- that any "under-representation" of any group in desirable situations or their "over-representation" in undesirable situations must be due to the way they are treated by others-- has become the prevailing dogma of a secular religion….
  Not all of this was simply a matter of intellectual confusion. Political power was the pot of gold at the end of this rainbow. Race hustling can also be a lucrative occupation, as Jesse Jackson -- among others-- has demonstrated in the United States. As long as we keep buying it, the hustlers will keep selling it. Read more…

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