Some Pay, and Some Receive - BHO liberals' goal = a society dependent on the government.
The Wall Street Bailout Bill Threat to Your Bottom Line - Just another BHO power grab!
But a closer examination of Lehman’s failure shows that derivatives may just be a convenient scape goat. Bankruptcy examiners found that it was bad business decisions hidden by complex accounting tricks, not
addressed by the current Wall Street Bailout Bill at all, that broughtLehman down. In fact, Lehman’s derivatives positions represented only about 3.3 percent of its net assets, and the bankruptcy examiner found its derivatives tradeswere reasonable and more carefully monitored than Lehman’s other assets...
Obama administration officials are claiming their plan “outlaws bailouts,” but in fact it institutionalizes them forever.
The second administrative fall back position is that while the bill does bailout Wall Street, the bailouts will be paid for by Wall Street sotaxpayers won’t foot the bill. But where does the left think Wall Street will get the money for the bailout funds? The tooth fairy. Just as airlines will ultimately just recoup the money they would have charged for carry on bags in higher ticket prices, Wall Street will suck the bailout money from American consumers in the form of higher bank fees. Read more...
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