For the first time in my adult life, I am not proud of the First Lady.
Mrs. Obama is frequently compared to Marie Antoinette. She spends hundreds of millions of dollars a year on her own pleasure and aggrandizement while urging the peasants to plant gardens. And for the first time in American history, we have a president who insults us across the world, disavows the idea that American is special, enriches our enemies such as the Muslim Brotherhood, and degrades our achievements ("You didn't build that.").
Metaracism instilled in the Obamas the tragedy of ingratitude. They were taught that the power and wealth that have been heaped upon them is restitution, and as such, they are absolved from personal sacrifice or generosity to America. This is delusional but very profitable. The Obamas view the White House as spoils. Closing it is an intensification of their efforts to crush the spirit of the people they blame.
Hope is the drug of the codependent. The Obamas are addicted to power, and the American people are their co-addicts, reduced to passively hoping the White House will reopen. Our system of balanced branches has failed. Our spirit to stand up for ourselves is in abeyance.
It is typical for abusers to break or destroy prized objects of their victims. When abusers take a beloved object away, they do so to give their victim the message, "I have total power over this. Even though it's yours, I can take it away at any time." Even if they reopen the White House, the Obamas have taught us that it is theirs to control....
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For Obama it is a psychological issue. His childhood, and his need to control are a result of his continued abandonment as a child. His father left him; his mother sent him away and his grandparents ignored him. His only mentor was a racist Commuist bent on the destruction of America. Thus, Obama has a need to control and to punish those who oppose him in any way. His main goal is to disempower people. He has an enemies list. People thouht Nixon was a nut. Obama is a madman akin to Hitler and Stalin, and has gone way beyond anything Nixon ever thought of doing. The only solution is to IMPEACH him ASAP!