Friday, January 25, 2013

Leadership IV - The honesty wrought through humiliation comes in the "dust," but honing happens in the "desert."

By Wallace Henley in Five Stages of Leadership – Honing (Part 4)

...John Edmund Haggai's own life challenges have run the gamut from hubris to humiliation to honesty to honing to hope. He could write much about hubris' temptations. As a young pastor he built hot, growing churches in cold, shrinking places. He was the next Billy Graham, people said. John Edmund wrote several books, including How to Win Over Worry, still a runaway bestseller. Not letting up at 89, his Success Secrets of the Bible has recently been published by Harvest House.

But in the late 1960s, John Edmund vanished from the American church scene...

The humiliation John Edmund felt over his own traditional understanding was a needle in the big balloon of hubris. Grappling with self-honesty, John Edmund decided to give the rest of his life to facilitating change in global mission strategies...

The honesty wrought through humiliation comes in the "dust," but honing happens in the "desert." The Apostle Paul knew this, and so did John Edmund. That's why he vanished.

The potentially humiliating accusations did not stop John Edmund and his vision. They drove him into the dust of gritty honesty in examining his own motives and assumptions, and then into the deserts where he honed and honed his strategic understanding...

Out there in the heat, John Edmund's "philosophy of honing" emerged: "Gather in your resources, rally all your faculties, marshal all your energies, focus all your capacities upon mastery of at least one field of endeavor."

Read it all here ...

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