Wednesday, November 7, 2012

We Lost! What did we learn? We need revival! We need to change the hearts of the people & a whole lot of politicians!

by Larry Miller at

…Half the people voted for Barack Hussein Obama because of his race, because they wanted him to take care of them, because they believed in the progressive dream, because they bought into his class warfare rhetoric, and he gave them free phones. The other half rejected his big government approach to solving our nations woes…

Beyond this, this election showed that half the people have no comprehension of the world around them and can’t see beyond their own immediate benefit. Benghazi barely caused a ripple in Obama’s support. None of his followers seem to care about the massive debt he is laying on future generations. Calls to pride in our country and its heritage fall on deaf ears as people so wrapped up free phones and Obama money. We have apparently come to the point as a nation, where half the people have learned that they can vote themselves benefits from the public treasury…

So, what do we do? First we have to, like the progressives, understand that we are fighting a long term battle that involves getting through to the mindset of our fellow Americans. Campaigns can no longer be run on facts and logic. We cannot assume Obama voters have the same values and concerns we do. It is these values that will set our country right again, not just winning an election.

Some have said we are no longer a Christian nation. This election may be proof for many. The real resolution to this problem is a revival in the land – changing of the hearts of the people. That would be our only hope as a nation, and their only hope as God’s creation.

Read it all here…

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