Monday, November 5, 2012

Are You Holding a Hand of Freedom or Servitude?

By John Sykes

When will America realize that the forced division of our society using political, race, social, sex, income and wealth cards is currently the root of our mess?

Once we recognize the cards we are being dealt and stuff them into their political hands (classes), we have to identify their dealers. It should be no surprise to many that the dealers are largely our elites, our politicians, their minions and sold-out media, who use these cards as a means to maintain their positions of wealth and, more importantly, power.

These dealer-elites know that it will be very difficult to maintain their status if We the People can return to a game we agree on more often than not, a game controlled by the players and not the dealers.

Star Parker in Racial Divide Worse Under Obama:

…Liberalism is about government as a political agent, not as a protector of individual freedom. By it’s very nature, liberalism creates political classes – whether based on race or gender or business interests. Those that get the goodies are happy. Those that pay for them are not. Tensions and animosities get worse, not better.

In the end, we all suffer because giving politicians more power means less growth and prosperity.

Things will never get solved until we finally take “e pluribus unum” seriously. That American diversity can only be finally united through one set of values, under God, that enable freedom. One set of true values for all.

If we don’t change the dealer-elites, we’ll never change the deck!

And in the end there will only be liberal cards of servitude in the deck…

And the State will be our only dealer…

.God help us!

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