Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday Menagerie – A Plethora of Conservative Cartoons

From hopenchangecartoons: Readers- As events have been breaking (and burning and rioting) in the Middle East, I've been posting single-panel cartoons and responding to comments over on Facebook. So today I'm getting you caught up with all of those recent entries.
It was either that, or do a cartoon about Obama appearing on Dave Letterman yet again tomorrow,
and I just couldn't face the painful reality that we've got a vacuous celebrity of the "famous for being famous" variety instead of a leader in the Whitehouse.
This cartoon was a riff on Friday's Hope n' Change cartoon. Barry just looks too natural in a chicken suit not to use the image again...

Unsurprisingly, the MSM is doing everything possible to tell us that these protests and killings aren't about the United States, or Obama's policies or the security failures of Hillary Clinton's State Department...

And just what ARE those policies of Obama's which assure that he (and we) are actually loved by the Islamic world...?

Meanwhile, we think we've figured out why Obama is unable to "connect the dots"...

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