Eric Holder's Politics of Contempt: Finally, Eric Holder is on the ropes. House members are readying to vote him in contempt of Congress. Senators wonder aloud whether he can be trusted to investigate White House leaks that have exposed inside information about some of our most successful antiterror operations to some of our most dangerous enemies.
Alas, the old bulls of the Senate—including RINOs John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley, along with Independent Democrat Joe Lieberman—are calling for the one thing that might derail the accountability train: a special prosecutor.
It all makes for the perfect tea party moment, an opportunity to make one of the most attractive arguments from the 2010 revolution: that process is as important as outcome, and that the Constitution gives us all the process we need to hold our leaders accountable. [Late Flash – Contempt vote tomorrow, maybe. Don’t hold your breath!]
Last week, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced that violent crime decreased 4 percent in 2011. The number of murders, rapes, robberies and aggravated assaults all went down, continuing a pattern.
“This is not a one-year anomaly, but a steady decline in the FBI’s violent-crime rates,” said Andrew Arulanandam, spokesman for theNational Rifle Association. “It would be disingenuous for anyone to not credit increased self-defense laws to account for this decline.”
Romney Holds Lead Over Obama for Ten Days Straight: People can complain about polling this early and say we have a long way to go, which is fair enough, but a small but steady lead over this amount of time is worth noting. What it mainly tells us is that Obama is stuck in the mid-forties, which is disastrous for an incumbent. The known quantity can't budge his numbers and unless the flailing Obama campaign can toxify Romney into something unelectable between now and November, Obama is going to lose.
The Obama Administration is preparing to implement the rest of Obamacare if only the individual mandate is struck down by the Supreme Court.
- You Can (Not) Legislate Morality? -The question really is: ‘Whose morality should be legislated?
- Why the GOP Must Take Control of the US Senate - But not RINOs!
- OH, oh! Obama Can’t Provide Documentation of Natural Born Citizenship to Judge
- "Knowledge and human power are synonymous." -- Sir Francis Bacon
- Nations reach agreement on progressive Agenda 21 - We know Obama won't so who will stop this?
- TURN YOUR NEIGHBORS IN HERE: Obama's Creepy Attack Watch Reeks of Soviet Neighborhood Committees
- RINO Watch: The GOP no longer stands solidly for the traditional American values it once reliably championed.
- Let’s at Least Slow Down Government (and Crony Capitalism) from Destroying the Private Sector
- The Many, The Gay, The New Marines to Celebrate Gay Pride Month - How about White Heritage or Straight Months?
- Obama's Orders? US Tells Egypt's Military to Hand Over Power to Elected Muslim Brotherhood Prez
- Google Says Obama Admin Agencies Routinely Requesting Lots of User Data & Removal of Content
- Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples' liberty's teeth." George Washington
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