Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Artful Dodgers – Conservative Cartoon

From hopenchangecartoons

To help scare up money for his reelection efforts, Barack Obama continues to offer $3 raffle tickets to win a chance to eat with him, eat with him and George Clooney, eat with him andMichelle, share cocktails with him and Sarah Jessica Parker, take an Oval Office "spots and stains" tour with him and Bill Clinton, and other appallingly liberal dream dates.

But there is ONE lotto ticket Hope n' Change would happily buy - and that's the one which would give us a front row seat to Thursday's unbelievably uncomfortable meeting between Barack Obama and former President George W. Bush, who is coming to the Whitehouse for the unveiling of his official portrait.

For the past four years, Barack Obama has disparaged, mocked, and blamed George W. Bush for everything which is wrong with our country - with a special emphasis on those things which have gotten a helluva lot worse under Mr. Obama himself. Just last week, the world's most powerful golfer accused Bush of creating sneaky tax breaks for the "wealthiest Americans," savaging the education system, and stealing healthcare from the elderly...all of which is a pretty good trick for a guy who seems to be spending most of his time working with wounded veterans.

Meanwhile, the eternally classy George W. Bush has shared virtually no public criticisms of the scurrilous little anti-American Marxist crapweasel who is using the Whitehouse as a litterbox - though we're thinking that Bush's powerfully gritting teeth should be looked at as a potential source of renewable energy.

All of which means that the Secret Service had better be wearing parkas on Thursday, because things are going to be absolutely icy in the Whitehouse when the two presidents pose near Mr. Bush's new portrait (a portrait which Mr. Obama fought vehemently against because it is "oil-based").

Of course, an official portrait of Barack Barry Hussein Soetoro Obama will eventually go on display in the Whitehouse, too - though it's expected that it will take a very, very long time to paint.

Because the official Obama portrait will be "paint-by-the-numbers" and there are already 16 trillion empty spaces which need to be filled in.

The Official Portrait of President George W. Bush

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