Monday, May 21, 2012

Shouldn’t Christians Focus More on the Gospel Than Politics? Here are 10 Reasons Why!

Politics or Religion?From Greg Stier at

1. Politics change. The gospel doesn't (Matthew 24:35.)

2. The gospel will transform our politics, not vice versa (Romans 12:1,2.)

3. It's what Jesus calls us to do (Acts 1:6-8.)

4. We are citizens of a different kingdom (Philippians 3:20.)

5. It's what the early church focused on (Acts 4:23-31.)

6. It attacks the root of evil and not just the fruit of it (Romans 1:16.)

7. Politics can divide the body of Christ while the gospel will unite us. (Philippians 1:27)

8. The gospel calls us to pray for politicians we disagree with, not hate them (1 Timothy 2:1-4.)

9. The gospel brings political action soaked in love and humility, not pride and arrogance (Romans 13:1-8.)

10. Politics are a reflection of the moral compass of a society. The gospel gives society a new compass that is accurate (Titus 3:1-5.)

My point is, not that we should avoid politics as Christians, but that we should focus more on the gospel.

[I agree with this but more strongly emphasize that Christians must seek to have increasingly significant influence on our political system. If not, like Hitler in Germany, we will have a leftist fascist appointing himself God! – JS]

1 comment:

  1. Sticking your head in the Bile when you can vote and help sustain some Biblical principles in our society is not only wrong, but it is a sin of Commission. By that I mean that legislation like "same Sex marriage" is against God's Law. For thousands of years Christian and non-Christian societies have only condoned marriage of a one man and one woman. Why? Because it is inherent in most humans that many of the Truth's from Scripture are the only way a "Normal" society can function. By taking no action against these immoral acts you condone them. A non vote is the same as a "Yes" vote i.e. an act of Commission to the evil people who perpetrate laws against God's Holy Word!

    Just take a look at most of the laws written in nearly all societies throughout history. Most of those laws directly follow the principles laid out in Exodus 20. These laws have been applied to most civil law in almost every land and civilization throughout the ages. These are not complex codes. They are simply a way to build an orderly society:
    *You cannot commit murder.
    *You cannot steal.
    *You cannot take your neighbors wife,
    or his home or any of his possessions.
    *You cannot marry your children.
    *You cannot testify against falsely against
    your neighbor.

    Now if you live in a society which intends to overturn these basic laws that help your country or village or town maintain civil order. You have a strong obligation to support the social structure which governs your daily life. It just happens to be that in the US each citizen has the right and DUTY to exercise his ability to help society maintain order. We are given that right and DUTY in the form of a vote.
    If you think Christians should only focus only on the Bible, then you are missing the whole point of the Bible. God has given Christians "responsibility".. Jesus did not leave 12 guys to just sit around and praise Him. He gave them specific instructions and a MANDATE to go out and preach His Word to all peoples of the earth. If those 12 had decided to just sit and write the New Testament and focus on only reading the "Bible". We would have been wiped out as Christians in the first century.
    The early followers of the WAY lived a very active Christian life. Many were stunned that they would help everyone in need including their enemies. They defied the Roman government by practicing their Faith, and many died in doing so.
    Christians in America have a powerful block that could help slow down the evils this society is creeping toward with each piece of bad legislation. By not exercising their Group Muscle they are cowering in the face of evil. Any Christian who keeps his head in the Bible and refuses to take part in his civil duty is not emulating Jesus. That person is not living by Christian principles, and he is hiding behind his religion with the belief that God will sort it all out at Judgment.

    Are you willing to stand before the Judgment throne and explain to God why you took no action while the strongest Christian Nation in the history of the world was slowly given over the Satan?
