Political Correctness is Hurting America: I recently ran across an old Internet joke that attempts to define the term “political correctness.” The joke reads:“Political correctness is a doctrine – fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rapidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media – which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of s--- by the clean end.” It’s as funny as it is nakedly true. It started me thinking about how political correctness affects us.
Did Saudi Prince Buy Fox's Silence? Say -- you don't suppose the fact that Prince Alwaleed bin Talal owns the second-largest block of stock (7 percent) in News Corp., Fox News' parent company, not to mention a new $300 million stake in Twitter (almost 4 percent), has anything to do with Fox's silence on this Saudi black eye of a story? After all, it was Saudi dictator King Abdullah -- Alwaleed's uncle -- whom press accounts credit with ordering the tweeting journalist's hot pursuit and imprisonment. And it is Saudi Arabia's adherence to Islamic limits on free speech that is driving Kashgari's ordeal. [Has anyone else noticed Fox’s slow slide to, at best, the middle? Are they now also The Lame Street Media? All conservatives need to let Fox know they are following this trend. – JS]
[What or who does this remind you of? – JS]
"Laws provide against injury from others; but not from ourselves." -- Thomas Jefferson [In other words, down with the nanny state! – JS]
What Would Clint Eastwood Do? Regarding the nation's purpose, Clint Eastwood and Barack Obama couldn't be further apart. The Obama budget is about national attitude. Before this presidency, the national attitude was indeed caught in the snarling, disgusted, refuse-to-lose tone of Clint Eastwood's voice in that commercial. The new national attitude on offer is caught in the Obama voice: resentful, moody, looking for someone else to blame and then punish. An American wealth tax will make us wimpy and whiny. That won't be halftime. It will be the final whistle.
David Brock, Media Matters and gun control hypocrisy: The news from the Daily Caller website is surprising: David Brock, the founder of Media Matters, had a personal assistant illegally publicly carry a concealed handgun in the District of Columbia in order "to protect Brock from threats.” Few organizations have declared their opposition to gun ownership or concealed carry laws as strongly as Media Matters… Here's the bottom line: All too often liberals such as Brock really do understand the safety benefits of gun ownership -- when it comes to their protecting their own personal safety. Praying for (Rather Than Complaining about) the U.S. Election: "'We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you.' All the men of Judah, with their wives and children and little ones, stood there before the LORD." 2 Chronicles 20:12-13 – These verses of scripture come from a time when God's people were facing a vast army from several nations that seemed unstoppable in human terms. There, one of the few kings who sought the Lord in that day stood before God and his people to encourage them to pray for help. They did, and God heard them. [Yes, definitely and loudly, but I add study the issues, inform your brothers and sisters, and vote. – JS]
[This ought to just make you mad and then make you act to end our federal government bloat! (Click in it to enlarge it.) – JS]
IRS Won’t Grant Richmond Tea Party Tax Exempt Status (Updated): The Richmond Tea Party group is blasting the IRS for allegedly failing to grant tax exempt status to the pro-limited government organization. “The Internal Revenue Service has served Richmond Tea Party (RTP) with unreasonable requests to obtain a tax-exempt status, fitting the pattern of the Federal Government’s forcing liberty groups to spend inordinate time and money complying with their demands during this critical 2012 election year,” RTP claims in a press release.
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