Saturday, February 11, 2012

Conservative on Target for 2/11/12

Agenda 21 Is Repackaged Socialism, Unsustainable Development:This year marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the United Nation’s Brundtland Report, which defined Sustainable Development as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” But aristocratic socialists have corrupted the sustainable development movement into a vehicle to achieve vast administrative power for themselves. Nations that adopt Sustainable Development are doomed to fail at meeting the needs of the present generation and through debt accumulation from deficit spending will consign future generations to a life as debt slaves…

Santorum Makes the Case—And Means It: The phrase “now or never” has rarely been more applicable, or more literally true. Santorum concluded his CPAC address by recalling the pledge made by the signatories of the Declaration of Independence: “we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.” Converting this pledge to a plea—his final expression of his case to the constitutionalists in the audience—he observed, “Honor is a term that is not used very often in America these days, but it is exactly what’s at stake, because this is our watch. We are stewards of a great inheritance; and it is our responsibility to shepherd that inheritance, and to make it a greater and richer one for the next generation. And if we fail to do that, then we have failed our duty, and our honor as Americans.” If you believe that, and if you believe that one of the four remaining candidates believes it, then you have found your nominee.

Revelations: Just a quick look around at what is happening in America today makes it clear that we’re a degenerating society, moving faster and faster towards the dustbin of history. Our children are ignorant and getting more so, as the government schools, run by far-left unions, work to create a permanent, government-dependent underclass. Crime and violence are rampant, especially among “protected minorities” who have been shackled to a nearly inescapable, Democrat-designed welfare system. Single parent households and children born out of wedlock are so widespread as to be almost the norm, despite the overwhelming evidence of a direct correlation between this and crime, violence, and failure in nearly every aspect of life. Given this, is anyone really surprised that the political class has fallen right in line?

Rasmussen Reports: In Florida as in Ohio and among voters nationally, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum now runs slightly stronger against President Obama than Republican front-runner Mitt Romney. Obama is essentially even with Santorum in the Sunshine State but leads Romney by three points. . AND Poll: Santorum takes first national lead: Rick Santorum has taken the lead nationally in the Republican presidential race for the first time, a new poll showed. Less than a week after besting Romney in primary contests in three states, Rick Santorum has a 15-point lead on the former Massachusetts governor, according to a national poll released Saturday by Democratic firm Public Policy Polling. .. Santorum leads Mitt Romney 38 percent to 23 percent in the new poll, while Gingrich is in third place with 17 percent. Ron Paul comes in last with 13 percent.

Allen West: Tea party is like 'The Blob': “When you look at the tea party, it’s much like Steve McQueen’s movie, ‘The Blob.’ They’re kind of different from each state to each state. There really is no centralized organization or structure to it, so each organization in its respective state or even North Florida down to South Florida can differ,” he said on CNN. [This blob, TeaPartyFtL, got him elected! – JS]

The Feds Had Better Stop Alabama…Before Everyone There Has a Job! Oh no! It’s happened again. Alabama’s unemployment rate continues to plummet.


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