INCREDIBLE! Obama Demands Israel Apologize To Islamist Erdogan For Stopping Terror Flotilla…Or Else! Israel Today reports that the Obama Administration has demanded that Israel apologize to Turkey for last Summer’s raid on the Mavi Marmara, a Turkish-flagged ship leading a “Freedom Flotilla” of “peace activists,” which attempted to break the blockade on the Terrortory of Hamastan (a.k.a. Gaza).This motley crew of Hamasophiles included not only the IHH, a group that apparently has ties both to Turkey’s ruling AKP political party and Al-Qaeda, but was also part of a movement aided by Obama allies such as Code Pink and his friendly neighborhood (retired) terrorists, Bill Ayersand Bernadine Dohrn. [Obummer is at it again – trying to destroy Israel. – JS]
A Politicized Justice Department Strikes Again: The Department of Justice is now prosecuting a 79-year-old grandfather. The reason: Richard Retta walks alongside women on the sidewalk outside a Planned Parenthood abortion facility and offers women hope that they can carry their babies to term. [Secular humanism, our statist religion, continues its rampage! – JS]
SLIME Watch! Goldman Sachs VP Changed His Name, Now Advances Goldman Lobbying Interests As Top Staffer To Darrell Issa
Federal Subsidies to Solar Up 626%, Subsidies to Wind Up 946%: While President Barack Obama wants to end subsidies that go to oil and natural gas companies, a new Department of Energy report shows that federal subsidies to clean energy are way up, with solar seeing a subsidy increase of 626 percent between FY 2007 and 2010 and wind getting a 946 percent increase. [Big Government + Big Company = Crony Capitalism – JS]
Top story on today: George Bush was way more sensible than Rick Perry: [Watch the lame street media, at the behest of the progressives, start to play Rick Perry (bad guy) off George Bush (good bad guy). Almost makes me nostalgic for their Bush attacks. – JS]

A federal judge ruled Wednesday that the White House must make visitor logs public and subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA.) [Seems our “open” president wanted to stay closed. I would too if the SEIU thugs were some of my leading visitors! – JS]
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