… As we've seen so many times here in the United States, the Norwegian camping island presented a situation where a lone gunman was able to kill a large number of unarmed victims at relatively little personal risk - he ended up being arrested instead of blowing himself up. Most of the victims were children, but though there were adults on the island, they were unarmed and were totally unable to protect their charges. The murderer freely went about his reign of terror for the entire hour and a half it took for police to finally arrive…
Over time, a few points should be starting to sink in:
- There's simply no way to keep guns out of unauthorized hands. Norway has far stricter gun control laws than America and a much more uniform society, yet the shooter was able to get his hands on a gun and enough ammunition to kill at least 80 people - as well as a police uniform, so that even if anyone saw him walking around with a weapon, they'd think nothing of it.
- Shooters can pick their time and place. It's simply not possible to hire enough police to protect everyone, everywhere, and if it were, they'd be highly susceptible to a ringer like the Norwegian murderer.
- "Single-person shooter" computer games give anyone ample opportunities to practice stalking and shooting people. The overwhelming majority of gamers will never harm anyone, just like the overwhelming majority of Agatha Christie readers will never poison anyone, but the knowledge is out there for those who desire to do evil.
- Even a country as small as Norway has places where police can't respond fast. As the saying goes, "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away." It took 45 minutes for police to arrive at the camp after they were called, and as long again for them to find a boat and get over to the island scene of slaughter since their helicopter was in the shop.
- We've seen recent armed attacks in Mumbai, China, a German school, and other nations with strict gun control. Not even the near-totalitarian Chinese government can sustain a monopoly of force.
The bottom line is that modern weapons are so powerful, so cheap, and so common that societies all over the world have lost the ability to eliminate them and protect their citizens that way. The only way to stop the slaughter of innocents is to allow trained civilians to carry guns.
Despite vehement liberal opposition to gun rights, armed civilians prevent more crimes in America than police do. The sooner that people at large understand that the only defense is self-defense, the safer we'll all be.
[In summary, this happened in what we call a “gun free zone”, at a liberal political camp with no guns on an island where it took the police 90 minutes to respond. We have no one else to blame but those of us who don’t take the necessary precautions to defend our loved ones and allow the dictates of a much smaller minority who think they can but have shown many times that they can’t protect us. They cry “the state made me do it” and keep right on trying to allow our slaughter. – JS]
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