by John Sykes
We have:
- a President who doesn’t understand what it is to be American and to prize American exceptionalism,
- a populace that often doesn’t recognize our Christian heritage,
- and an enemy, Islam, whose idea of “political correctness” and religious freedom is subjugation, and, often, death, of all other religions.
Major Gen. Jerry Curry makes at least three very important points in his piece When in Doubt Give Offense at First he takes a position that is hard but true:
Although a citizen of the United States, President Obama acts like a foreigner because he was reared a foreigner. He grew up in a Muslim country subject to the negative influence of a mother who had little regard for America and its institutions, having a Muslim step-father, and attending a Muslim school. All of these combined must have hindered his ability to assimilate into mainstream America. He never had the benefit of knowing what it is like to wake up in the morning, raise both arms in the air and shout, “Thank God I’m an American.”
Next, General Curry makes no bones about the Christian heritage of this nation:
The Founders carried within them the spirit of the Mayflower Compact which stated that the original settlers came to the shores of the United States of America for the, “Glory of God, and the Advancement of the Christian faith.” So it is no surprise that the basis of our laws and instruments of government is the Christian faith.
Then, possibly with the biggest effect, General Curry takes on our current entanglement in “political correctness … run amuck” as regards Islam:
And the General closes:Conversely, Omar Ahmad, founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said, “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith (or laws), but to become dominant…the only accepted religion (law) on earth.” In short, Muslims do not, in the slightest, believe in or practice any form of religious freedom and can never submit themselves to our Judeo-Christian based laws and Constitution. Muslims can technically work within the framework of our Constitutional law, but in their hearts and spirits only Sharia (Islamic) law is valid and binding…
So, forgive me as I paraphrase and adopt what Patrick Henry said concerning the 13 Colonies resisting the tyranny of King George III -- “If this gives offense, let us make the most of it.”
We should all join the General in disarming arm our enemies by recognizing our American exceptionalism, emphasizing our Christian freedoms and loving, fair treatment of one another, and opening our eyes to the intent of Islam.
Be sure to read the General’s whole post here …
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