Saturday, July 2, 2011

Conservative on Target! Recession, Muslim Brotherhood, Tea Partiers, Education & CIA Vindication

Vindicating the CIA > Ending a disgraceful investigation: The education of the Obama Administration on antiterror policy has been remarkable to behold, and the latest installment is Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to pull the plug on the investigation into most CIA interrogations. The disgrace is that this probe was ever undertaken… The probe has still done considerable harm by creating a culture of second-guessing and political retribution that CIA operatives must now consider as they try to protect against terror threats. We'll never know what actions in the future won't be taken, because of this culture, that might have saved lives.

Federal court reinstates racial [Discrimination] preferences: A Sixth Circuit panel has overturned Michigan's constitutional amendment barring racial preferences in state government functions, including education. The Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, which this decision overturns, was itself intended to counteract a barely coherent Supreme Court decision that upheld racial preferences at the University of Michigan Law School. [ My family recently underwent the college admission maze. It became obvious that all merit money is disappearing, the financial aid bar plummeting, and Caucasian Christians subject to very heavy racial and religious admission discrimination. – JS ]

imageBig Government, Debt Ceilings, and Barbecues: The Tea Partiers, derided by the U.S. liberal establishment and by the commentariat in Britain and in Europe as an uneducated, trailer-dwelling, bible reading mob, have taken to the streets to show that they are indeed no longer content to be underlings, that friend Cassius had it right when he said, “Men are at some time masters of their fates.” To the Tea Partiers and friends, now is that time.

imageEmbracing the Muslim Brotherhood: The Obama administration chose the eve of the holiday marking our Nation’s birth to acknowledge publicly behavior in which it has long been stealthily engaged to the United States’ extreme detriment:  Its [Obama’s] officials now admit that they are embracing the Muslim Brotherhood (MB or Ikhwan in Arabic).  That would be the same international Islamist organization that has the destruction of the United States, Israel and all other parts of the Free World as its explicit objective.

Recession?: Record 141 Staff Are Paid More Than a $100K Per Year in the Obama White House

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