[9:40 pm – Again the GOP house passes a debt bill, Harry Reed tables it without discussion, and Harry manages to say with a straight face that the GOP isn’t doing anything. This lying and obfuscation is getting truly sickening. 800+ days and the Senate still hasn’t passed a budget. And Harry lies and lies … and still hasn’t presented his bill because he knows he can’t get it passed in his own playground. So Rome continues to burn, we have a President missing in action, a dysfunctional Congress and a befuddled GOP. Heaven help us … – JS]
The Christian Revolutionaries Are Coming Your Way: … Well, as one of those targeted “Christianist” leaders, having written two books calling for a “Jesus revolution” in the society and in the Church, it’s time to let the cat out of the bag. You had better believe we are serious, and you had better believe we are coming your way. And be assured: We are armed to the teeth. (I’m not talking about non-Christian murderers like McVeigh and Breivik; I’m talking about Bible-believing, truly committed, followers of Jesus.) Are you ready to hear the truth about us “Jesus revolutionaries”?

Palin Warns Tea Party Freshman: Today I re-read the open letter I wrote to Republican Freshman Members of Congress in November 2010, just days after they were ushered into office in an historic landslide victory due in large part to the activism of commonsense patriots who are considered part of the Tea Party movement. I respectfully ask these GOP Freshman to re-read this letter and remember us “little people” who believed in them, donated to their campaigns, spent hours tirelessly volunteering for them, and trusted them with our votes. This new wave of public servants may recall that they were sent to D.C. for such a time as this. [She couldn’t have said it much better. Our 2010 Tea Party heroes need to stay on or get back on the right horse. Or Else! – JS]
Standard & Poor's yesterday said that cutting the U.S. deficit by some $4 trillion over 10 years would be a good start, but more savings would be needed over time to bring US finances under control. [No kidding! – JS]

U.S. soldier Pfc. Naser Abdo, 21, was arrested in Killeen, Texas, on Thursday for planning a terrorist attack on troops near Fort Hood. Authorities said they discovered bomb-making materials in his hotel room and an article from an al-Qaeda magazine. [Has the lame street media yet mentioned that he is a Muslim? – JS]
Q2 GDP falls to 1.3%: As expected, the US economy slowed even further in the second quarter. After posting an anemic 1.9% in the first quarter, the Commerce Department announced that the estimate for annualized second-quarter growth came in significantly below that at 1.3%… The AP doesn’t pull any punches, calling this the weakest quarter since the recession officially ended in June 2009:
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