Sunday, July 3, 2011

Conservative on Target! Capitalism, Bull RINOs, Liberty, Manning the Barricades

imageManning the Barricades for Virtue and America: Americans who fail to understand history are doomed to repeat it. The moral and financial collapse of Rome lead to a renaissance of morality and the "Christian Era." We can only hope that the accelerating American collapse leads to a return of the time tested honest culture that celebrates life, prudently shuns sexual immorality, and with commerce flourishing after a return to honest money. But until that day arrives, we will continue to fight for these virtues until our last breath.

Three things you can do for liberty: Unfortunately, America's political class doesn't want you independent. It wants you as dependent as possible. As the Rainmakers sang back in the 1980s, "They'll turn us all into beggars 'cause they're easier to please." So what can you do? Everybody focuses on the 2012 elections, and those are important. But why wait? Here are three things you can do now: Attack the funding >> Stop supporting the enemies of freedom and start supporting your friends >> Join Together! [Read this please. It does have some good, concrete suggestions – like join a Tea Party! – JS]


NYT: Tea Party vs. John Mica's myopic monorail to nowhere: This week, the New York Times reminds us that, even with a House freshman class full of reform-minded Tea Partiers, the notoriously pork-prone House Transportation Committee remains the playpen of old bull Republicans. As the NYT shed light on the proposed SunRail commuter train fiasco, local Tea Partiers were rallying and railing against the project.  A local grassroots-run website urged tea party favorite Florida Gov. Rick Scott, R, to "veto" the federal funds dedicated to complete the project. Friday, the embattled Scott whiffed and gave it the green light instead. [ Scott really slipped here but overall maintains his mantle of conservatism and non-RINOism! – JS ]

Top 10 Obama Attacks on Capitalism:
1.  Spread wealth around
2. Capital-gains “fairness
3. ObamaCare by any means
4.  Bondholders equal speculators
5.  Chamber of Commerce attack

6.  Class-warfare tactics

Student-loan penalty for private sector
Stop making money: 
9.  Boeing silence

Leave corporate America  
Read it all here …

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