Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mimi and the Baby Squirrels

by Allison Morrison

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?”  Matthew 6:26

Yes, you heard right, I said baby squirrels (I must confess I had to google the spellling).  I was watching the news when a news story came on about how a Chihuahua (ok, so I had to google this one too) was nursing baby squirrels after their mother had been run over.  To make it even more extraordinary, this dog had her last litter of pups four years ago!

This is one of those things I think God shows us so that we can see His faithfulness in action.  This is such a balm to my “worrying at heart” soul.  I struggle with worry and fear as a habit.  I mean really struggle to the point it has become a stronghold in my life.  I am learning that if I give God my fears and worries every day, every hour, every minute, then He will take care of them.  He tells us in His word over and over to not be afraid and do not worry.  I read somewhere that do not fear is the most repeated command in the scriptures (I haven’t verified this myself).

So the question becomes:  Do I truly believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that God loves me and cares about what happens to me?  I know my answer when I see that He cares for a baby squirrel so much that he would provide nourishment for it from a most unlikely source.  Because I know the Source from which all things flow…He has promised me that He will love me and care for me.  Maybe not in the way I expect or think I need, but in His way with His plan in mind for my life.

He can take my worry and fear and use them to show His goodness to others in my world.  People can look at my life and see how He “lifted me out of the slimy pit…set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.  Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.”  (Ps. 40: 2-3)  I just have to be willing to trust Him and know that He can provide me with all I need to glorify Him in this life.

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