Saturday, February 19, 2011

Stand on the Wall! The Wisconsin union showdown is a battle We the People must win!

By John Sykes

This is really a simple issue. Put succinctly by the Wall Street Journal:

Who’s in charge of our political system – voters or government unions?

As conservatives, why should we really care about this particular battle?  Conn Carrol at Heritage:

  • That Wisconsin is the birthplace of American progressivism with a new conservative governor, new conservative majorities in both chambers, a new conservative U.S. senator and the bright new conservative chairman of the House Budget Committee, Paul Ryan, has made it ground zero for the left….
  • President Barack Obama has federalized the issue… is wrong: Denying government unions the power of collective bargaining is not an assault on all unions.
  • Virginia, for example, gives no collective bargaining power to government unions, but according to the Pew Center on the States, it still somehow manages to be one of the best managed states in the country.
  • What is really at stake … is the future of American competitiveness.
  • The American people can’t afford [Gov. Walker] you to lose.

Even that paragon of unionism, George Meany, said:

…in terms of accepted collective bargaining procedures, government workers have no right beyond the authority to petition Congress—a right available to every citizen.

To put that more simply, government unions work for the people not the government. As their bosses, We the People govern them not with mob rule but with the rule of law as prescribed with the power of our ballots.

This is a battle we must win!

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