By John Sykes
Doug Giles can get a bit hyper and lets his vocabulary slip a bit but he often is right on target. His post is one of the better on the Muslim Brotherhood and the wackiness of the coverage by our Left.
From Doug Giles:
Followers of the Religion of Peace are currently going nuts in Egypt, aren’t they? Isn’t it weird that when Muslims start burning crap down that the Blame Stream Media (BSM) calls them “revolutionaries, lovers of freedom, peace, kitty cats and cotton candy,” and an “oppressed people” who “yearn for democracy”?
Really? They hanker for “democracy and freedom,” do they? All of them? Is that why they’re destroying their cities, cutting the heads off mummies, tossing Molotov cocktails at each other, breaking into Ramses’ tomb and riding high-speed camels through stick wielding mobs while screaming in tongues?
What’s interesting to me is listening to the Left explain this Muslim mayhem, murder and demolition. The lovelies on the Left find this revolt understandable and thus celebrate it because they have abracadabra’ed all those involved in Mubarak’s overthrow into liberty lovers—and thus this ferocious unrest is legit.
Here’s a post more understated but similar to some of Giles’s conclusions. Robert Spencer in Muslim Brotherhood Poised for Power in Egypt:
The Muslim Brotherhood is also an international organization. According to a captured internal document made public during the trial of the Hamas-supporting Islamic charity, the Holy Land Foundation, in 2007, its goal in the United States is “eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.” Read more here…
I’m only saying, if Muslims will renounce the Koran and repudiate Sharia Law, I welcome them. If they won’t, they intend nothing but evil for America. If you haven’t read the Koran or studied up on Sharia law, you haven’t bothered to understand their intentions for this society and for Christians everywhere. Maybe the Muslim Brotherhood logo to the left gives you a hint. If not, the cartoons below are a bit more specific.
Related cartoons
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