Thursday, October 14, 2010

Quips, Quotes and Tweets–10/14/10

HALL of SHAME! The VFW’s Suicide PAC(t) has doubled-down on failure! Ignoring the growing protests of its outraged members, the supposedly “independent” VFW Political Action Committee (VFW-PAC) has issued a new statement refusing to back off on the disgraceful set of endorsements that have threatened the venerable and (at least at the local level) respected organization with destruction --- The short version: “Our members are partisan morons who ought to sit back and let us decide what’s good for them.”

The Limits of Liberal Demagoguery:
  The political success of liberalism is parasitic, feeding off order and prosperity that the implementation of liberal policies couldn't possibly create…
  What Joe Biden blurted out this week -- that Democrats can't run on their policy accomplishments because they are "just too hard to explain" -- captures the problem of liberalism perfectly. It is seductive in theory but inexplicable in practice. The key to its political appeal is that it never be applied.
  Conservatism, on the other hand, faces the opposite problem: it is harder to sell before application than after it. Before application, it is dismissed as "cold" and "unrealistic." After, it is treated as sound and necessary. Reagan was a cloddish "reactionary"; now he is a gentle sage.
Read it all …

According to the actuary for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, Obamacare will force seniors to pay more for their Medicare Advantage plans.

"The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience." -- Harper Lee

"I cannot accept, your canon that we are to judge pope and king unlike other men,
with a favorable presumption that they do no wrong. If there is any presumption, it is the other way against holders of power ... Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” -- Lord Acton

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