Monday, September 13, 2010

“Who Desecrates the Koran?”, “Your Move” and “Speaking of Book Burning” – Cartoons


from hopenchangecartoons:
  All's well that ends well. Over the weekend, pastor Terry Jones decided not to have a Koran bonfire, and his congregation presumably made rice krispie treats for the homeless out of all the marshmallows they'd planned to toast.
  Similarly, "Ground Zero mosque" proponent Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf conceded that "If I knew that this would cause this kind of pain, I wouldn’t have done it.” So he's going to move the mosque, right? Right...?
  Unfortunately, he says he can't move the proposed project now because "the headlines in the Muslim world will be that Islam is under attack… (there’s) the danger of the radicals in the Muslim world to our national security, to the national security of our troops.” He further explained "If we don't handle this crisis correctly it could become something which could really become very, very, very dangerous indeed.”
  Hope n' Change would like to give some free public relations advice to Imam Rauf. If you really want to build a mosque to help heal the wounds of the last 9/11... don't do it by threatening us with the next 9/11.


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