Tuesday, September 14, 2010

“Small Change”, “Scrap Stimulus” and “Whatever” – Cartoons

from hopenchangecartoons:
  As the debate on raising tax rates heats up, the Washington Post has come up with a novel way of raising federal revenues: collect the taxes that are already owed by government employees.
  In the Whitehouse alone, 41 of Obama's aides owe $831,000 in taxes that they don't seem worried about paying...and that no one cares enough to collect.
  Does that seem like small change? Then let's include the 638 workers in the Senate and House of Representatives who owe a total of $9.3 million dollars. At the Labor Department, 463 employees owe $7.4 million dollars.
  Still not enough to impress you? Then consider the total of unpaid taxes for all federal employees (who are well-documented as having much better salaries and perks than private sector peons with similar jobs) - a nice, round $1 billion dollars.
  The refusal to pay taxes crosses party lines and is based not in political ideology but in a sense of entitlement...and a clear belief that the governmental "ruling class" does not have to play by the rules they impose on the little people.
  As well as an apparent belief that once they catch the "little people," they're owed a pot of gold.

from Chip Bok: Demand is up for used cars because people are poorer.  Supply is down because last year’s Cash for Clunkers program turned used cars into scrap.  The scrapped used car market was, according to George Will, “an important mechanism for redistributing wealth to low income persons”.   In the Boston Globe, Jeff Jacoby sums up the program as, “a deplorable exercise in budgetary wastefulness, asset destruction, environmental irrelevance, and economic idiocy”.

from cagle.com

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