From Michelle Malkin, The Center for Immigration Studies further pierces the myth: “This analysis tests the often-made argument that immigrants only do jobs Americans don’t want. If the argument is correct, there should be occupations comprised entirely or almost entirely of immigrants. But Census Bureau data collected from 2005 to 2007, which allow for very detailed analysis, show that even before the recession there were only a tiny number of majority-immigrant occupations…. Among the findings: Of the 465 civilian occupations, only four are majority immigrant. These four occupations account for less than 1 percent of the total U.S. workforce. Moreover, native-born Americans comprise 47 percent of workers in these occupations.”
Breaking News: Michelle Malkin » DREAM Act won’t die!
[ Will the pandering never cease! – JS ]
- Waiting for Crazy > Re Iran, Obama is proving the definition of insanity and endangering the world!
- The Enraged vs. the Exhausted - If you thought the 1994 election was historic, just wait till this year
- HALL OF SHAME! Bono's ONE Foundation received £9.6M in 2008 but doled out only £118K, 1.2%
Memo to Hawking: There's Still Room for God > Neither Kant nor Einstein thought physics explained everything.:
If Mr. Hawking is right, the answer to the question "What created the universe?" is "The laws of physics." But what created the laws of physics? How is it that these strange and powerful laws, and these laws alone, apply to the world?
There are those who will say that the question has no answer —that it lies at or beyond the limits of human thought. And there are those who will say that the question has an answer, but that it is answered not by reason but by faith.
I say that perhaps, in the end, they are the same position. That is what Kant believed. You find out the limits of scientific understanding, he said. And beyond those limits lies the realm of morality, commitment and trust.
Kant, who destroyed all the systems of metaphysics and dug a grave for theology, was also a believer, who, as he put it, "attacked the claims of reason in order to make room for those of faith." It seems to me that he was right. Read it all …
INCREDIBLE! Fannie Mae Motors > GM lobbies the government that owns it.
General Motors is 61%-owned by American taxpayers, who were less than thrilled when forced to buy GM by Presidents Bush and Obama. We can only imagine how GM's unwilling owners will react now that the company is once again spending freely on lobbying and political campaigns.
The Journal reports that the company has been particularly kind lately to Midwestern Democratic incumbents while shovelling out a total of $90,500 in campaign donations so far in the current election cycle. On the lobbying side, The Hill newspaper reports that GM has spent $7 million in the four quarters since exiting bankruptcy, retaining a who's who of Washington hired guns.
This may sound like the business model of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac all over again, but remember that the failed mortgage giants at least had to shut down most of their Beltway influence operation once they explicitly became wards of the state. GM has your money and now it apparently has the license to use it to lobby Congress and support its political friends. The company looks healthy at the moment, but are you willing to bet a Chevy Volt that it won't be back on Capitol Hill someday asking for more assistance? [ Any bets on who will be the best supported corporation in the world as long as the Democrats need it to survive so they don’t, once again, look like statist dolts? – JS ]
"NAFTA represents the single most creative step towards a New World Order." -- Henry Kissinger
“He who goes with wolves learns to howl.” Spanish proverb
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