from hopenchangecartoons:
On Thursday, the GOP issued their 21-page "Pledge to America" to make it clear how they differ from the Democrats, and to counteract Barack Obama's continuing claim that his opponents have offered "no new ideas."
Although in fairness, a lot of the GOP's ideas aren't so much new as they are classic...but unused by either party for far too long. The Pledge includes references to reduced spending, lowering taxes, encouraging business, bolstering defense, undoing the damage caused by Obamacare and much more. And on paper, it sounds good.
But those of us who are old enough to remember the GOP's previous "Contract with America" remember that the contract got broken. This being the case, we can't know if the "Pledge to America" is a political stunt or a path to salvation until it's put into place, and the GOP is held responsible to honor their promises.
Meanwhile, the president continues to show confusion about pledges of all kinds. But we shouldn't be too hard on him...after all, he's not from around here.
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