Power or Principle? Majorities or Movements?
Do we want just political power and 51 seats in the U.S. Senate? Or do we want to build a movement? … Put me in the movement camp. It's not going to do the conservative movement any good to get back into power without a mandate. The experience with the Bushes proved it. They took America as they found it; they didn't try to change it.
Nothing wrong with that. A practical politician must practice the art of the possible.
But we movement conservatives want to move the zone of the possible. That means we want to do more than just hire Karl Rove to execute on a political game plan. We want to build a movement for conservative reform, for smaller government and greater freedom, and we want to persuade our moderate friends to join us. On this view, it's better to risk defeat with a Christine O'Donnell and a Sharron Angle than to play it safe with an old Washington hand like Mike Castle. Read more…
“Moderation in temper is always a virtue, but moderation in principle is always a vice.” ~ Thomas Paine
At Big Peace: “In yet another sign that the Russians are looking to stir the pot in the Middle East, they’ve decided to sell P-800 Yakhont cruise missiles to Syria. The sale is worth at least $300 million and will have the Russians delivering around 72 cruise missiles to the Syrians.” [ The Democrats will be avoiding this news to crow about Russia agreeing to not send missiles to Iran. This is a master stroke by the Russians as they accomplished the same thing through the back door and got some positive publicity to boot. And Obama will continue to try to misdirect us from his abominable global government goals… – JS ]
All American -- Beer, BBQ and Homemade signs > Back to our future!:
America is exceptional not because of who we are as individuals, but because of the model of self-government that our Founding Fathers created and that we continue to practice today. We recognize that each of us was created by God and given certain unalienable rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We then loan these rights to the government, which we replace if it fails to heed the will of the people.
The government is failing to heed the will of the people.
People are getting involved throughout America.
Beer, barbecue and homemade signs -- that is why I am optimistic about our future.
Read more…
Hmmmm.. Is Obama Throwing Pelosi and Reid Under the Bus to Save His Own Hide?
For Obama, the best case would be for the Democrats to lose Congress, just as they did in 1994 during Clinton's first term. This would allow Obama to lay the blame for the sputtering economy at the GOP's doorstep, as well as provide him with an excuse for not passing the boatload of additional liberal agenda items that his support base will continue to demand.
[ If you believe that we are lead by the Egotist-in-Chief, this makes sense! – JS ]
"It is a known fact that the policies of the government today, whether Republican or Democrat are closer to the 1932 platform of the Communist Party than they are to either of their own party platforms in that critical year." -- Walter Trohan
"Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls." ~ Mother Teresa
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