Friday, September 10, 2010

“Bait and Switch”, “Higher Office” and “End of Discussion” – Cartoons

from hopenchangecartoons:
  After the past 20 months, many Americans were afraid that this administration didn't know how to talk tough or get tough when it comes to meeting and defeating an enemy. But all that changed when the Whitehouse announced their appointment of a new Czar to supervise our nation's war on...the Asian carp.
  In response to the appointment of John Goss to head the $80 million dollar "War on Fish," Democrat senator Dick Durbin said: "This is a serious challenge, a serious threat. When it comes to the Asian carp threat, we are not in denial. We are not in a go-slow mode. We are in a full attack, full-speed ahead mode. We want to stop this carp from advancing."
  And in fairness, the Asian carp will do untold damage if it's allowed to continue migrating into the Great Lakes - edging out the native species of fish. But does that make it fair to target a single group of fish who have no greater wish than to live the aquatic American dream?
  The illegal alien fish, who prefer to be called "undocumented denizens of the deep," are being singled out by authorities in ways that clearly parallel Arizona's much-reviled immigration laws. Accusations of "piscene profiling" are flying because only Asian carp are being targeted, which is clearly discriminatory.
  Frankly, we're glad that this administration has finally taken a firm stand against invaders who, despite having no bad intentions, cause enormous economic damage to our country. We're just sorry they'll never show the same courage when dealing with species who can vote.

from Chip Bok: Now that Mayor Daley has announced his retirement Rahm Emanual may be the first to abandon ship.  Here’s a June 20 Telegraph story anticipating his desire to depart Obama’s “idealistic inner circle”.  Or as Rahm would say, “f-ing retards“.


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