Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Social Security Bait and Switch - 'Harry, am I making this up?' Yes, Mr. President, you are.

At The Wall Street Journal 

image Democrats are trying to keep control of Congress by scaring the wig off grandma with a phantom GOP plot against Social Security. That is not news. Social Security scare tactics have been regular campaign themes since FDR. President Obama's unique contribution is to do this even as he's begging Republicans to help him reduce the deficit and reform entitlement spending….

The President's bad faith is all the more notable because Social Security is less a GOP reform priority than it should be. Republicans never even brought President Bush's private account plan to the floor in 2005. To the extent these attacks have any basis in reality, they're targeting Wisconsin Republican Paul Ryan's "roadmap"—even as Mr. Obama praises him for being serious about the fiscal crisis and knows he's a member of the deficit commission.

This Social Security ploy perfectly illustrates the Obama political method: Bipolar rhetoric that lurches between partisan distortion and bipartisan entreaties—all the while governing hard to the left with Democrats in Congress running the show.

Read it all here…


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