Thursday, May 20, 2010

Quick Quips - 5/20/10

Senate passes sweeping financial regulation bill | Scott Brown shafts the GOP again! [ This bill still has a long way to go. If it makes it through, it will result in a power grab that forevermore cedes our economic destiny to unholy Large Government - Large Corporation Crony Capitalism which might just be the last step on the path to Socialism! ]

Chef's Tweets from White House Kitchen a no-no - Obama apparently thinks it more important that the menu for his state dinner remain a secret than some national security issues.

HALL OF SHAME! Democrats Want to Regulate Bloggers & Shut Us Up : Democrats want to bring bloggers—all bloggers—not just conservative ones—under the control of federal campaign finance regulations. Under this scenario, bloggers as soon as this year could have their posts deemed to be campaign contributions, if they’re written in a way that a “reasonable person” (as mentioned but undefined in the Democrat bill) sees them as such.

FEMA attempts to whitewash faith-based volunteers, asks they remove SA t-shirts! - Angela Lott and Pamela Wedgeworth, who are sisters, told The Associated Press that the FEMA worker videotaping the cleanup on Saturday in the small town of Ebenezer asked them to do on-camera interviews but requested that they change out of their T-shirts because of a Salvation Army logo. “He said, ‘We would like to ask you to change your shirt because we don’t want anything faith-based,’” Lott said Tuesday. Lott said she asked him why he didn’t want to feature faith groups. “All he said was, ‘We’ve done that hundreds of times,’” Lott said.

How weak has BHO become when he must use failed-state leaders [Calderon] to tout his failing views? How much more abasement will Congress take from the executive branch? How much more of this will we allow?

LIAR Watch! YES!! CT Senate - Blumenthal Loses Ground, Leads McMahon By Just 3 Points

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