Thursday, April 29, 2010

Quick Quips - 4/29/10

BHO's Economic Development for Muslims to change their attitudes on US?
  Unemployment in America is hovering at just below 10 percent, so
President Obama hosted a "Summit on Entrepreneurship" in Washington,
D.C., in an effort to boost economic development ... in Muslim nations.
  The president thinks more U.S. investment in Muslim lands and exchange
programs that will bring Muslim women to America so they can work as
interns will enhance U.S. prosperity and, thus, change Muslim attitudes
about the United States.
  Pigs will fly first.
  The U.S. has been more than generous to Arab and Muslim nations in
direct foreign aid, military assistance and other ways. Egypt receives
about $2 billion of American taxpayer dollars every year, yet it still
votes against American interests at the U.N. 79 percent of the time.
Jordan, a "moderate" Muslim nation, receives nearly $200 million
annually in U.S. foreign aid, but votes against America at the U.N. 71
percent of the time. Pakistan votes 75 percent of the time against the
U.S. at the U.N. while pocketing nearly $7 million annually in foreign
aid (in addition to the money it gets to supposedly fight al-Qaida).

After Policy Stumbles, Obama Turns to Politics [as he tries to hide the pea(s)]
  Setting legislative priorities has been one of the chief tasks of
American presidents for the past century. Sometimes, they concentrate on
changing public policy. At other times, they highlight issues for
political reasons, with an eye to the next election.
  In his first 14 months in office, Barack Obama worked to change
public policy, with partial success. He jammed through the stimulus
package in February 2009 and health care legislation in March 2010 on
party-line votes.
  But he paid curiously little attention to the substance of the
legislation. One-third of the stimulus money went to state and local
governments -- i.e., to public employee unions -- which helped ensure
that the bill would not hold down unemployment to the promised 8
percent. And the health care bill, we have just learned from Health and
Human Services actuaries, is going to increase spending rather than hold
it down...
  So if policy doesn't work, try politics. Gallup reports that "very
enthusiastic" voters favor Republicans 57 percent to 37 percent in
congressional elections. Will attacks on Wall Street, deep-sixing the
cap-and-trade bill and getting beaten on immigration change that? The
Obama Democrats hope so. But I wouldn't bet heavily on it. Read more...

AMBUSH! BHO trap?: 'There may not be an appetite' to tackle immigration this year - [ Watch this carefully. BHO loves to hide his "transparent" moves with straw men and misdirection. Sarcasm and bullying, rather than the truth, are really more his style . - JS ]

APPEASEMENT Watch! The Ahmadinejad Victory Tour will come to the US in May!
  Yesterday, State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley confirmed Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had submitted an application for a visa to attend the United Nations nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty conference in New York next month. Since Crowley also confirmed thatAhmadinejad is likely to be awarded the visa, the Iranian President cannow look forward to witnessing first hand the failure of President
Barack Obama’s Iran policy.

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